In English, we can use certain modal verbs to give the sentence a new meaning.


We use CAN, COULD, MAY and MIGHT to express a chance or possibility.
-We can go to the park after the class.
-You could rest before we leave.
-He may talk to her if you go to the party.
-She might like the new movie.


We use CAN and COULD to make requests.
-Can you give some water?
-Could you bring some food?
-Can Anna bring me a pencil?
-Could Ray get me some planks?
-Would you give me a fresh towel, please?

We use MAY and MIGHT in a request to be more polite.
-May I have your number?
-Might I get some ice cream? (I ask the person to give me some ice cream)


We use WOULD CAN, COULD, MAY and MIGHT to make offerings. We can either use a question or an affirmative conditional sentence.
-Can I get you some tea?
-I can get you some tea if you want me to.

-Could I bring some clean sheets?
-Rona could bring you some clean sheets if you need.

-May I help you with that?
-I may help you if you tell what you are doing.

-Might I lend you some money?
-I might lend Richard some money if he needs some.

-Would you like to go to the cinema?


We use modal verbs to talk about thing of which we have some degree of certainty.
-Richard left the school an hour ago. He must be home right now. (we know that he is supposed to be at home)

-The teacher feels better. He may be coming to class tomorrow. (we are not sure if that is going to happen)

-Why don't you visit your aunt. She may be glad to see you. (we are not sure if that is true.)

-Andy is really mad at us. Gary must have told him what we did to his car. (we are almost sure of the possible cause for Andy's anger with us)

-Haven't you reached Sarah? She might have gone to her mother's work. (we are not sure where Sarah has gone.)

-I'm worried about Max. He might have not passed the admission exam. (we do not have any news from Max's results)

Let's summarize the expressions we have seen so far.
-We can / could / may / might go to the restaurant tonight - possibility
-Can / could / would you tell me the time, please? – Request
-May / might I speak with Diana, please? – Request
-Can / could / may / might I help you, sir? – Offer
-I can / could / may / might help you with that. - Offer
-Frank must be taking care of the children – certainty.
-Frank may / might be doing shopping -  supposition.

Try this video to learn more about modal verbs:


1.Tell what type is each sentence.
I don’t see Ana anywhere. She must have left.
1.Can Mark help you with the baggage? _____
2.Could you tell Dina to turn down the volume? _____
3.If the Peters are not at home, they must be on vacations. _____
4.Lena may not be able to call when she get to New York. _____
5.I am afraid that Robert might have been kidnapped. He has not answered the phone in a week. _____

2.Use the words to build a sentence in the form asked in parenthesis.
I / go to the movies / if the park is closed (possibility)
I can / could / may / might go to the movies if the park is closed.
1.Mark / help / his friends with History / They got excellent marks (certainty)
2.The girl / go to the garden / when we were calling because nobody answered the phone. (supposition)
3.Jonas / take / Rob to the stadium / if he needs to. (offer)
4.You / tell / me where Laura is? (request)
5.I / sing / you / a song / if you ask me to. (offer)
6.You / tell / Andrea that I am waiting for her? (request)
7.The course / finish / because it is August already. (certainty)
8.Sandra / be / walking in a London park right now. (supposition)

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