We use comparatives to compare two different things regarding some specific characteristics.
-Ana is as beautiful as Valentina.
-Joe does not cook as well as Christie.
-Ray is taller than Mike.
-We are more responsible than you.


AS … AS express that two subjects have the same quality.
-This chocolate is as good as the one we bought yesterday.
-You run as slow as a turtle.

AS NOT … AS express that the first thing or person has an inferior quality regarding the second thing or person.
-She does not run as fast as him.
-Switzerland is not as big as France.

MORE … THAN express that the first thing is superior in quality regarding the second one.
-Daniel is more active than John.
-There are more skyscrapers in the USA than in Europe.

When the adjective is monosyllable, or it has to syllables and ends in -y we add -ER to it instead.
-My brother is shorter than me.
-My family is happier than yours.


We use superlatives to state that one thing is superior in quality over another thing or group.
-Leo is the best student in the class.
-Grace is the most helping person that I have known.
-The Ferrari is the most expensive car in the world.

When the adjective is monosyllable, or it has two syllables and ends in -y, we use the superlative form THE  -EST.
-I am the luckiest person in the world.
-Diana is the most beautiful girl in the school.

With other adjectives, we use the superlative form THE MOST …
-I think that Paris is the most romantic city in the world.
-the most responsible person in this room is Jake.


Write a comparative sentence from enunciate.
The US’s population is over 318 million.
Russia’s population is over 145 million.
The US have more population than Russia.
1.The Empire State is 381 meters tall.
    The Eiffel tower is 300 meters tall.

2.Canada’s area is 9,985,000 sq km.
    Great Britain’s area is 229,848 sq km.

Write comparative sentences with the words given.

Gary / Linda / intelligent (=)
Gary is as intelligent as Linda.

Napoli / Rome / clean (-)
Napoli is not as clean as Rome.

Betty / Tyra / pretty (+)
Betty is prettier than Tyra.
1.History / Literature / interesting (=)
2.Scotland / England / rich (-)
3.This bulb / that bulb / dark (+)
4.Silvie / Rita / sing well (-)
5.Tony / jimmy / bad cook (+)

Complete with the superlative form of the adjective.
  1. Who is the(tall) person in your family?score
  2. My mum is the(good) cook in the world.score
  3. December is the(cold) month of the year in my country.score
  4. What's the(dangerous) animal in the world?score
  5. Ethan is the (happy) boy that I know.score
  6. Where are the(nice) beaches in your country?score
  7. She bought the(big) cake in the shop.score
  8. Who is the(famous) singer in your country

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